• 4 Cups of Sugar
    • 12 Cups of Water
    • 4 Cups of Fresh Lemon Juice
    • 1 1/2 Pints of Strawberry Purée
    • 5 Cups of 190 proof Everclear


    • Place a large pasta pot on low heat and pour in water and sugar.
    • Stir the sugar until it is completely dissolved.
    • Remove from heat and let it cool to room temperature.
    • Wash and pat dry your strawberries.
    • Remove the stems and dice
    • Take your diced berries and place in your blender and puree until smooth
    • Mix strawberry purée and lemon juice to your sugar water.
  • Next add in Everclear and stir well.
  • Strain your liquor mix and making sure to remove all pulp.
  • Pour mix into mason jars and let sit in refrigerator for about 2 weeks (longer the better).

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