Everyone has their version of this dessert, and this actually comes from my sister, it’s one of her family’s favorite desserts! And it’s so easy to make ahead it’s great for when you’ll be having lots of company over, or going to a party and bringing a treat.

Rather than just make cake this trifles layers all the goopy goodness and ends up SO moist and delicious. My sisters version just uses cool whip, but I like making my own whipped cream. BUT you want to be able to make it a day ahead and not totally dissolve, so STABILIZED whipped cream!

At church events, people line up for this trifle. It is very easy to make!

* Ingredients :

° 1 package (19.8 oz) brownie mix
° 1 (3.9 ounce) package instant chocolate pudding mix
° 1/2 cup water
° 1 can of sweetened condensed milk (14 ounces)
° 1 container (8 ounces), skin-covered, thawed
° 1 (12 ounce) container frozen, whipped and thawed
° 1 (1.5 ounce) candy bar

* Directions :

Preparation: 30 pm Cooking: 25 pm Ready to enter: 8 pm 55 pm

1- Prepare the brownie mixture according to the package instructions and cool completely. Cut into 1-inch squares.
2- In a large bowl, combine the pudding mixture, water, and sweetened condensed milk. Blend until smooth, then add 8 ounces of whipped cream until streaks disappear.
3- In a trellis bowl or glass serving dish, place half of the brownies, half of the pudding mixture, and half of the bowl, and 12 ounces of whipped cream. Repeat the layers. Shave chocolate over the top layer for garnish. Chill 8 hours before serve .

Enjoy !



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