Today I bring you a perfect recipe for birthday parties, family reunions and wherever you want to look good with little time in the kitchen. This is apple pie tacos. I think there are few people who do not like apple desserts and served this way they are spectacular.

The good thing about using tortillas for tacos is that it allows you to manipulate it with your hand without the need of a spoon or plate, so it is ideal for meetings where it is served buffet style. Although it is delicious hot, it is also delicious cold. This way, it allows us to prepare it in advance so that we do not have to cook at the last minute.

It can be made with the whole taco tortilla format or in a mini version using a round taco cutter. This way it is a mini taco and can be eaten in one bite. I don’t like this second option because it wastes taco tortilla and is unnecessary.

When I prepared the apple pie tacos last time, I gave them to my daughter, who is already at the age of wanting to try everything we daddies eat, and I assure you that she loved them, she almost left us adults with nothing.

I am not one to give her a lot of sweets, I try to make her eat as little as possible, but every now and then, she enjoys something, and on top of that, she ate an almost 100% apple filling, so there was a little problem! Because the taco didn’t call her much but the filling had her crazy! hehehehe!

This is a way for the kids to eat fruit, one of the traumas of moms and that takes us down the street of bitterness. So far, I can’t complain; Alba tries everything and is a good eater, I hope she doesn’t change with time.


  • 6 corn tortillas for tacos
  • Oil for frying
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon

For the filling:

  • 3 large apples
  • 1 and 1/2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 170 ml water (divided)
  • Whipped cream for garnish

Preparation of the sweet tortillas for the tacos:

  1. First, we will start by frying our tortillas for tacos. We will put on the fire a frying pan with abundant oil and when it is hot we will add the tortillas. We will fry them on one side for about 5 seconds and then we will turn them over and leave them folded so that they fry for a few seconds more. Turn them over again, folded until they are crispy and quickly remove them from the heat.
  2. We put them on a plate with kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil.
  3. Before they cool down we will pass them through a plate with white sugar mixed with cinnamon so that they are well impregnated. Set aside.
  4. Once we have all the taco tortillas fried, we will start with the filling.

Preparation of the filling for the sweet apple tacos:

  1. To prepare the filling we will start by peeling the apples and cutting them into small cubes or strips 1/2 cm thick. Mix them with lemon juice so that they do not darken. Set aside.
  2. Next, put the butter, cinnamon, and sugar in a frying pan over medium heat, and when it starts to melt, add the apples and mix well. Then add a quarter of the amount of water needed for the recipe and let it cook for about 4 minutes.
  3. For the rest of the water, we will mix it with a teaspoonful of cornflour (cornstarch), and once well dissolved, we will also pour it in our pan, stir it so that it is well integrated. Let it cook over medium heat until the sauce is reduced, thick and the apples are soft. Then remove from the heat and let it cool for a couple of minutes.
  4. Final preparation and presentation of the apple pie cubes:
  5. While, our preparation cools a little, we retake the taco tortillas and place them where we are going to serve them.
  6. Carefully fill our tortillas with the apple filling until they are a little more than half full. We will accompany them with a little whipped cream, optional, and if we prefer a little caramel sauce on top.


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