There is no lady on earth who does not know the many benefits of onions in the kitchen, but rather their benefits for your health, body, and beauty as well, and “The Seventh Day” offers a range of surprising uses of onions far from the kitchen.

 Useful for sore throat

It can be used to soothe a sore throat by boiling onion peels in a cup of water and consuming it after filtering it, as it is a natural antibiotic.

 Polishing rusty metal and tableware

Use onion juice or sliced ​​slices of it on a damp cloth and scrub metal surfaces like faucets and rusty knives.

Calms insect bites and bee stings

Insect bites cause severe itching and redness, and it can be used to calm those infections caused by insect bites, by rubbing the pieces of onions at the site of the sting to relieve pain, and it can also be used to calm the burning to relieve pain.

To remove sticky material

The fats left by some heavy meals can be very troublesome to clean and dispose of, and onions can be used to remove sticky substances.

To eradicate ants

Ants are annoying insects, especially when they appear inside your kitchen, and leaving a bowl of raw onion slices will repel the ants and eliminate them.

To polish leather

Although the color of the onion is transparent, it makes the leather beautiful and vibrant, then put it in a pair of nylon stockings and tie it with a knot at the end of the cover, then boil in a pot for 20 minutes, until you get a shiny shine.

To get rid of the smell of smoke

Sometimes you are exposed to some unpleasant smells as a result of burning some meals, and until you get rid of them completely, you can put half an onion next to the stove to absorb the smell.

Prevents snow from auto windows

Winter is just around the corner, and you can put a slice of raw onion or rub it on the windshield of your car at night to prevent frost, as it helps prevent frost formation.

To get rid of the smell of new paint

After completing the “new paint”, you can get rid of its pungent smell by cutting slices of raw onions and placing them in a bowl of water and leaving them in a container in the room to absorb the strong smell of paint.

To prevent cats from sneaking in

Scattering sliced ​​onions all over the yard or garden, to prevent unwanted neighbors’ cats from wandering around or setting foot on your private property.


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